‘Manifest Your Abundance’ The 7 Day Reset, is an exciting programme that can change your entire life experience moving forward from now. You can download this incredible audio programme and enjoy how it can help you become a Powerful Manifestor and expand your life experience exponentially from now.
“I’ve listened to many online courses from the greats of Brian Tracey, Tony Robbins and Jim Rohn through John Assaraf and T Harv Eker with recent listening’s to Darren Hardy and Robin Sharma. Rachel Jenkins and her exquisite 7 Day reset is on equal footing with all of these”
-Paula Turke, Financial Consultant
‘Manifest Your Abundance’ The 7 Day Reset will help you unlock the essence of the ‘Rise to Shine’ ™ practice so that you can integrate it at a deeper level, with additional High Performance Coaching and Accelerated Learnings and Block Clearing Techniques, that can help you quickly manifest more of what your heart and soul are calling for.
“The power of Rachel’s methods are that they tune you in to the best-known expert in your life – you! An absolute timeless classic – with just one caveat – you have to put effort in”
Paula Turk, Financial Consultant
‘Rise to Shine’ ™ is a simple, powerful high performance and wellbeing self-coaching practice that helps you start and end your day in the right way, so that you can show up as the very best version of you every day, in every way; expanding your life exponentially in a way that honours your true heart and soul’s desire and calling.
If you are ready to embark on a journey of self-discovery and personal growth in the privacy of your own home, to- become your own best coach, become a powerful manifester and experience the results you desire in all areas of your life at an accelerated rate, then you are going to love the simplicity and impact of learning and adding the ‘Rise to Shine’ ™ practice into your day, through the ‘Manifest your Abundance’ 7 Day Reset programme.
“Your ‘Rise to Shine’ ™ practice has greatly helped me to call in and create the way I want to live and feel each day. Wonderful stuff, Rachel thank you!”
– Jerome Flynn, Actor
By completing ‘Manifest Your Abundance’, The 7 Day Reset, you can take your learning experience of the ‘Rise to Shine’ ™ practise and your manifesting abilities to the next level.
The Rise to Shine ™ practise is simple to learn, easy to do and evolves with you as you evolve with it, expanding your consciousness and life as you go.
It’s a simple two-part, morning and evening self-coaching practice that you do when you wake up and again, just before bed. It merges High Performance Coaching techniques with accelerated learning techniques. A guided meditation is the portal, to help enable rapid shifts at the sub conscious level so that you can align yourself every day with what is important to you and consciously create it with greater and greater ease, from a space that feels right and good to you.
‘Manifest Your Abundance’, The 7 Day Reset, helps you accelerate the results you can experience with the additional know how and teachings included in the programme.
“The laughter and connection that has been showing up for me every day, is amazing, it’s so magical. It’s next level magic – portals and guidance; synchronicities and spontaneity is just showing up every day in every way, next level magic. It’s just surreal”
Trish Tucker May – Multi Award Winning Nutritionist of the Year
It’s about living a life with intentionality. It’s about waking up every single morning and instead of just getting whatever you get, it’s about choosing to directionalize your life in a powerful direction that will not only allow you to have greater depths of happiness, but also allows you to spiral upwards, to achieve greater levels of achievement and success by starting and finishing your day in the right way.
“You just have to do it”
– Cherie Magee, IT CEO, Ghost Writer, Author, Wellness Expert
Here are some important questions for you to answer now before embarking on this journey. Please consider them fully and write them down, it will be very revealing and help you open up to even more possibilities of what you wish to call in throughout the Manifest your Abundance, 7 Day Reset.
Write a list of answers to each question and then push through to another two answers when you think you have finished – they will be nuggets of gold for you. Have fun with this, you will be surprised by some of your answers, and they are a brilliant next step to you becoming an even more powerful manifester than you already have been and are:
Abundance is?
Abundance is not?
I have the Abundance I have because?
I don’t have the Abundance I want because?
So, ‘Rise to Shine’ ™ is not just about meditation. ‘Rise to Shine’ ™ is not just about setting intentions. It’s a codified, systemic approach to starting your day in the most powerful way, so that you bring the best of you to everything that you do – whether that be physically, emotionally, spiritually, financially and of course to your relationships.
When you incorporate the ‘Rise to Shine’™ practice into your day, what you are doing, is learning how to get an exponential growth within every aspect of your life.
“It really is both enlightening and life changing, you won’t be disappointed”
– James Meek, CEO, IT Specialist
What’s extraordinary about ‘Manifest your Abundance’ and incorporating the ‘Rise to Shine’ ™ practice into your life, is that it costs very little, if you were to look at it across the course of the year, it’s an investment of literally pennies a day.
All you need to do now is:
Choose which price you wish to pay for Manifest Your Abundance. It’s your choice. Decide now what level of manifestor you wish to be. Your choice of payment will reflect where you are at right now and this may change, and is likely to once you have completed the whole progamme
Next, purchase a dedicated note-book and pen. You will be writing the next chapters of your life from a heartfelt space that aligns truly with who you are from now on, and manifest to your heart and soul’s content.
Next, create a quiet space to listen to the Manifest Your Abundance, 7 Day Reset.
Download the 7 morning and 7 evening practices on to your device and listen to it consecutively over 7 days. It is approximately an hour for the morning practice (do it before breakfast, first thing on getting up) and an hour for the evening practice (do it before bed).
Once you have completed the 7 Day Reset, it is recommended that you do it again or at the very least, in order to learn it off-by heart and integrate it into your memory, download the Stand Alone Morning and Evening Practice inside the programme, which is complete and is the same process that Rachel does every day. It becomes an automatic and easy way to focus your mind, create and manifest more whole heartedly, expansively and with greater ease each day.
Once learnt, you can do the practice in as little as 7 minutes but you’re likely to want to give yourself a bit more time than that it’s, other wise you’ll discover that you have short-changed yourself on the blissful feelings that you reach and true impact of the experience, which deepens with practice.
Rachel Jenkins, the creator of the ‘Rise to Shine’ ™ Performance and Wellbeing model, does this practice every day. It has helped her come to terms with her past, let go of trauma, navigate life’s challenges, become a digital nomad, a number one best-selling author on Amazon and most importantly, is the back bone practice that helps ensure that she is living in alignment with her heart and soul, so that she can feel good, live an expansive life with greater and greater depths of peace and freedom every day and manifest from a space of absolute trust and integrity.
“Thank you, Rachel, for the most amazing support and guidance I have ever come across in my life. Your ‘Rise to Shine’ ™ practice is just so easy and also so, much fun. Thank you for all you do”
– Kerry Wallace, CEO Butterfly Wings of Freedom, Holistic Therapist and Guide, Emotional Trauma, Angelic, Lemurian, Crystal Healing
The ‘Rise to Shine’ ™ Practice is a self-perpetuating model of evolution which evolves with you as you evolve with it, responding to your ever-changing unique needs and helping you expand exponentially so that you can live your greatest version of you every day, in every way.
‘Manifest your Abundance’ is focused on you becoming the Powerful Manifestor in your life, now and forever more, with the ‘Rise to Shine’ ™ practice at the heart of it.
You can live in freedom every day.
“My heart hasn’t stopped smiling. This is life-changing”
- Liddell Bramwell, Trainee Therapist
Please get in touch with Rachel on rachel@racheljenkins.co.uk if you would like any further in person guidance at any of her live online or in the room transformational group coaching programmes and events. She is also available for 1-1 coaching sessions with a maximum of 1 client per month by application.
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